Monday, January 12, 2009

How Far is too Far?

Everyone of us has an idea how to make our lives or the world better. When Gillett came out with their 4 blade razor, why did they stop there? Why not make it an even half dozen? Better yet, let's go with 10 blades and we'll make sure we scare the living stem out of those nasty facial and body hairs.

Next week.... land fill, garbage and waste management. In the meantime, what do you think?

NHL All Star Game
We all know this has been a real sleeper of an event for the fans and I'm sure even the players. So, why not turn the game on its head, shake it up and do something new? Let's incorporate the Skills Competition in with the All Star Game itself? It will ad a lot more excitement, break up the tedious game play and add a new twist to an event that really needs help to attract more viewers, better ratings and more excitement. Better yet, there has to be a way to make the event more interactive for fans... What if we let true fans take on the Stars in the Skills Competition? If you're short on solutions, call me. I have plenty of ideas that would really take the game and All Star Weekend to a whole new level.

How about XM TV?
Some of us remember the creation of the Radio. After all these years, it's still available in a FREE format. However, for those of you who wish to maximize your radio experience with greater selection and commercial free listening, there's XM Radio for you. For a monthly fee, you can get what you want and more. So, I say, we need to create XM TV. Tell me this. TV has never been free for consumers? Why? Cable companies sell advertising, sponsorships, etc to companies to cover their operating costs and to flog their advertiser's products to TV viewers. And, it that wasn't enough, they then charge us a monthly fee to watch those constant interruptions during the game, show or special program. Holy double dipping. Why? If you use radio for the bench mark, we should get to watch TV for free. And if we don't want to watch those pathetic commercials, we could pay a monthly fee to watch what we want, when we want and how we want. What do you say to XM TV?

Hey you... Snowboarder! Heli-Skiier! Risk Taker! Try this one on for size.
I've always been a big supporter of taking risks and being an adventurer. However, I don't think the rest of society should have to cover the cost to recover those people who go missing as a result of an avalanche or landslide. Let's compremise. If you decide to go snowboarding or skiing in an area that is very remote or unoccupied by nearby civilization (or even defy the rules), then here's the deal. You should be required to have a safety kit and GPS on you before you take off. In the event (God forbid) something happens to you, we are not only able to find you alot easier, we know your chances of survival will be greater. So when the rescue crew goes out to find you and you have these items on you or in your possession, instead of you being charged full pop for the cost, you'll only pay half the cost of recovery. And yes... no longer will this be free. You will get a bill. Think of it like calling 911 for an Ambulance... Will that be cash or credit?

Send us your MIB Ideas or Solution to

Monday, January 5, 2009


To Make It Better... we need to share our ideas with the world.

* As community leaders struggle to balance budgets without raising taxes, it's becoming more and more difficult to meet the demands of residents in providing core and general community services. What if we took a strategic look at selling the naming rights to various services, properties, parks and/or equipment, etc to those individuals or companies who want to help their community or want to leave a legacy by supporting the growth of their own communities?

* When you buy a cable tv package, why don't companies automatically remove the channels you don't get with your package to save time when surfing to find something to watch? Can you say customer service? Then... to showcase or promote other specials, cable companies could offer "freebee weekends" featuring select channels or special offerings.

Send us your MIB Idea to

The MIB Cause takes flight

Imagine... What if we had an opportunity to make the world and everything in it better? This would be real power back to the people. If you've been curious abot what "Make It Better" was to be all about, the wait is over.

In the days, weeks and years to come, "Make It Better" aka MIB, will be your Centre of Influence for making everything in life better as we know it. Make It Better, YES?

Email us your MIB Idea to Be sure to watch for our NEW MIB Ideas coming soon.