Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A True Test For Mankind

A Canadian rock singer, Larry (aka Lawrence) Gowan sang about it best; "You're a strange animal I've got to follow." Man (including the ladies) is truly a strange animal. Is there hope for you? Us? You bet. I wish life was like a simple flower. What a relieve that would be. Heck, I wish every one's life was like a box of chocolates. But I'll stop right there as I'm starting to get a craving for something sweet. Now back to my point. Since the economic fallout, we continue to test people's will power, our ability to trust and our faith. With all that has gone on in the world and the many foolish things we continue to do, it's become extremely different for many of us to stay positive, to show hope or to believe in our system of life, our governments, our leaders and in institutions of influence and authority. I'm often reminded of that little white mouse in his open air loft with his one wheel exercise room he/she calls "The Cage." On those days he's inspired to go the distance with hopes of finding greener pastures, a new look or even somewhere different, our little mouse friend hops on his wheel and begins running like a silly "Mother F-----" Please tell me the mouse isn't trying to get exercise or that his inner Doctor is telling him he needs to work on his cardio... When he's in high gear, he truly believes he's going somewhere, that he's on track, that if he runs fast enough and long enough that he'll get to a new destination. A destination made for a King Mouse with unlimited cheese, plenty of ladies and with all the luxuries uphoria has to offer. Unfortunately, we both know how this story ends. The mouse never finds his oasis nor does he even get to somewhere new, different or even better for that matter. Like the mouse, I often think we have put ourselves on the same wheel. An it would seem we've become so consumed by our little lives, we can no longer stop, think and act on what we need to do to "Make It Better." Now I'm not foolish enough to say that we could just drop everything we need to do to survive, but I am saying we could take a little more time to change our ways, to make a difference, to speak out or up? to engage? to take action? to truly improve our state and the lives of everyone around us. Then why don't we? Why do we not take a change, take the risk, or even believe that we have the power and the "WILL" to make that difference? In a time when we as individuals and as a race, have the best chance to organize, to change, to improve or to make it better with the use of powerful tools such as the Internet, mass communication and mobility, that we continue to demonstrate inaction to change, to fix or even rescue our sorry state? It's as if we are mentally paralyzed without the ability or the will to actually stop what we are doing and say enough is enough. Hey now, relax. I'm not advocating violence, but rather action, will power and doing what's right to "Make It Better." Start with your own life, your family, your community and as the improvements start to pore in, look for the next opportunity to Make It Better. Man, we are at a fork in the road in our lives and in our existence. I truly hope we can realize what a difference we can make if we "shift" our way of thinking, change our path and take up the torch for our own cause that has been, like the little white mouse, getting us all worked up and going no where fast.

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