Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's Time for the Church To Change

Growing up as a child, I served as an Alter Boy at the local Cathedral Church. I was always encouraged by Mom and Dad to get involved since it was an honour and a privilege to be part of the church and the service. All of us know what the Catholic Church has been faced with over the years and unfortunately, the disappointment and disgrace continues. Although priests continue to be charged for their illegal and abusive behaviour, it is far more disappointing and frightening to think of the number that continue to walk freely, unscathed, not to mention the pain their victims continue to live with. This weekend, a long time priest, now a Monseigneur in the Catholic Church, turned himself in to the police on charges of molestation and sexual abuse of young children. Upon hearing this news, I was devastated. I served as an Alter Boy for this Monseigneur and he was a highly respected man of the cloth in his community and within the church. The real tragedy is the erosion of trust and respect by the public for the Catholic Church. Enough is enough. This cockamamie idea that priests are to be married to the church is joke. We have placed innocent victims (our children) in the hands of predators who are given the opportunity to abuse their influence and position in life while the Leadership of the Catholic Church continues to turn a blind eye. This is utterly irresponsible and simply wrong. From the Pope, to rank and file priests including the parishioners, everyone needs to take responsibility for this ongoing behaviour. To begin the healing process and to make this wrong right, the church needs to reverse their policy on celibacy in the church and to allow priest marry. The church, our society and religion in general will be better for it. Besides..., how can a priest carry any creditability to give marriage councilling when they've never been married. Get It Right, Make It Better!

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