Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's Your Cause? Get Cause!

Curious? Regardless of what it is, find your passion and making money will come. Before I make the official announcement, I need to bring some clarity to my own mind in how things are going to be launched to provide me with the opportunity I think this can really be. Cause has always had a big place in my mind, my heart and my very soul. So it makes complete sense for me to start taking measures to live my passion and to leave my Legacy in Life. Coming Soon.


Reflect on Life... You Must Like What You See In The Mirror

I've always said, "Life must be fun or it's not worth living." However, there are actually many different definitions of what life is and means to people. Maybe it's a married with no children thing (and believe me... it's not always a blessing, kids really do serve a purpose in one's sense of place) or maybe it's a result of how seriously I take having fun. I'm not talking about Patrick Kane fun (back of limo in the news), but rather being able to smile on demand, laugh or move with a jump in your step. It's not about being content, but rather being driven, fulfilled, and feeling a sense of purpose in who we are and what we are doing with what you've been given. Hmmm. Because as a good friend of mine once said, "Life is not a race." So when the next time you pause, reflect or just sit in silence, make sure the person you seen in the mirror is truly the person you want to be. Now go forth and prosper. Live Life Large! and remember.... Make It Better!


Friday, January 1, 2010

More Than Just A New Year

Happy New Year! Today is not only the 1st day of 2010, but a chance for all of us to "launch" forward to new heights to Make It Better. I would like to put forth a friendly challenge to each and everyone of you to take a piece from Nike's playbook and "Just Do It". With this, I'd like to invite you to "Get Connected" by emailing so we can create a new friendship of like minded individuals inspired to Make It Better. To kick start my own new year, I'm working on the launch of a new publication that will showcase those individuals, groups, and companies who are executing great acts of "Make It Better" in their personal and professional lives. So watch for the new MIB Publication and media network coming later this month Cheers!

Leslie S. Gagne and I MIB.