Friday, January 1, 2010

More Than Just A New Year

Happy New Year! Today is not only the 1st day of 2010, but a chance for all of us to "launch" forward to new heights to Make It Better. I would like to put forth a friendly challenge to each and everyone of you to take a piece from Nike's playbook and "Just Do It". With this, I'd like to invite you to "Get Connected" by emailing so we can create a new friendship of like minded individuals inspired to Make It Better. To kick start my own new year, I'm working on the launch of a new publication that will showcase those individuals, groups, and companies who are executing great acts of "Make It Better" in their personal and professional lives. So watch for the new MIB Publication and media network coming later this month Cheers!

Leslie S. Gagne and I MIB.

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