Tuesday, December 8, 2009

One Life Lost... is one Life Too Many!

In our society, we value life. In addition to many things, this is certainly what makes us different than other societies around the world.

After running into the woods after his dog, Chance, James Delorey, who was an autistic child, became lost. Fortunately, Chance made it back to lead rescuers to find James. Unconscious and suffering from Hyperthermia, the 7 year old was then air-lifted to Sick Kids Hospital in Halifax Nova Scotia. Unfortunately, James died this morning.

I'm not a parent, but I have two that love me dearly. I can't imagine what James' parents are going through today, but I do know this could have been prevented. In a world where we are surrounded by technology, the loss of James under these circumstances is unacceptable. What will it take for us to realize the same technology we use to find our stolen cars or to locate a black box in downed airplanes, can be used to find our lost or abducted children. Yes, I know there's a "grey" area here. However, I, like James' parents and most of you who are parents, would be willing to over look this grey for a chance to hold your child in your arms again or to give him/her yet another big hug and a kiss before bed tonight. James' parents can't do that anymore and for that, I am going to make it my priority that this does not happen to anymore children. If we could had inserted a "beacon" or GPS chip on or inside James at birth, rescuers would have been able to find him in time so that he'd be home tonight for dinner and thinking about waking up on Christmas morning to open his presents from Mom and Dad.

Think about the many children who are abducted each year around the world or simply become lost and never to be found.... If you value the life of your son or daughter as much as you do your automobile, then I think it's time we make the same investment so that all children can be found if lost or taken away from us.

Email your thoughts and join the MIB (Make It Better) Cause!

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